What is Contemplative Practice?

Contemplative practice is an experiential mode of learning and self-inquiry.

Historically, contemplative practice has been taught by the world's spiritual traditions. However, in the last three decades, the fields of psychology, medicine, and education have recognized that contemplative practice can contribute to well-being and maturation. As a result, health professionals and educators have been teaching contemplative practices in 'non-religious forms' that can be used as a resource for resilience by agnostics and atheists, as well as by people with a spiritual or religious worldview.

There are two major types of contemplative practice:

As psychology, medicine, and education have begun to acknowledge the spiritual roots of contemplative practice, they have started to re-build important bridges to the spiritual traditions. These bridges can support appropriate boundaries between religion and our public institutions, while recognizing the important role that spiritual maturation can play in the well-being of individuals and society.

As a leader in this field, Dr. Jared Kass has been teaching contemplative practice to individuals from a diverse background of belief systems and faith traditions. His classes are attended by secular humanists, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and members of many other spiritual traditions.

Dr. Kass recognizes that each of these belief systems has integrity and value, when it is used as a method for inner development and maturation. He enjoys working with 'multifaith learning communities' where individuals from very different belief systems can learn together - and learn to value each other as human beings.

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